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Daftar Hotel | Grup Santika hotel di Yogyakarta

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011 0 Comments

Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Yogyakarta

Hotel Santika di Yogyakarta menawarkan kepada para wisatawan yang ingin berekreasi dan pebisnis akomodasi hotel yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan budget. Hotel Santika menyediakan hotel khas nuansa Indonesia yang tersebar hampir diseluruh kota kota di Indonesia, dengan sentuhan tradisi yang khas tergambar disetiap detail kamar hotel Santika, kolam renang (swimming pool) dan lounge dilengkapi dengan koneksi internet Wifi disetiap kamar hotel.

Semua kemewahan khas Santika Hotel dapat ditemukan Yogyakarta, dengan visi Hotel Santika untuk menjadikan pilihan yang lebih disukai untuk segmen pasar kelas menengah atas. Hotel Santika selalu berusaha menciptakan nilai lebih bagi semua dengan menggabungkan kualitas dengan profesionalisme layanan sebagai jantung dari Santika hotel.

Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta

Daftar Hotel di Yogyakarta

  1. Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta
  2. Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Yogyakarta

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Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Jogjakarta

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Senin, 09 Mei 2011 0 Comments
Hotel Amaris Diponegoro Yogyakarta Hotel Bintang 3 Murah di Jalan Diponegoro Pusat Kota Yogyakarta.
Yogyakarta merupakan tempat dari obyek wisata terkenal dunia, candi Borobudur dan Candi Prambanan, Banyak yang menyebut kota Yogyakarta dengan Jogjakarta atau  'Jogja'  merupakan pusat kebudayaan Jawa, Banyak nya tradisi dan obyek wisata budaya menjadikan Jogjakarta menjadi pusat wisata bagi wisatawan seluruh penjuru dunia.
Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Jogjakarta
Amaris Diponegoro Yogyakarta berlokasi di pusat kota Jogya, hotel Amaris Diponegoro ini dekat dengan Tugu Yogyakarta, Stasiun kereta TUGU dan juga pusat belanja terkenal jalan Malioboro Jogja.

Amaris Hotel Diponegoro tempat ideal sebagai base pabila berkunjung ke Jogja.  Hotel berkualitas dengan layanan prima dan harga hotel murah khas grup perhotelan Santika ini menjadi salah satu pilihan tepat, tersedia akses internet gratis dan parkir hotel yang luas. Di jaringan hotel Amaris tamu dijamin akan mendapatkan akomodasi penginapan yang bersih, cerah dengan kamar Smart Room yang ultra - stylish dan juga dilengkapi dengan LCD TV, kemudahan itu dapat Anda peroleh juga di Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Jogyakarta tanpa harus merogoh kocek yang dalam.

Fasilitas Hotel Amaris Diponegoro Jogjakarta

  • 71 Smart Rooms.
  • Lobby lounge.
  • @ Xpress
  • LCD TV.
  • Wi-fi internet access.
  • Safe deposit box in every room.
  • Parking area.
  • Major credit cards accepted
Photo Gallery Hotel Amaris Diponegoro Yogyakarta
Hotel Amaris Diponegoro Yogyakarta Kamar Hotel Amaris Diponegoro Yogyakarta
Hotel Amaris Yogyakarta Resto

Fasilitas Smart Room Hotel Amaris Diponegoro Yogyakarta

  • Pilihan tempat tidur Double / Twin Bed
  • LCD TV
  • WIFI akses internet
  • Safety Deposit Box

Harga Hotel Diskon Hotel Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Jogjakarta

Hikarivoucher.com website reservasi Indonesia menawarkan harga diskon. Harga Hotel Amaris yang terkenal dari grup perhotelan Santika ini dapat dipesan melalui Hikarivoucher. Silahkan melihat harga diskon yang ditawarkan.

Daftar Harga Hotel Kamar Smart Room

Tipe KamarHargaBooking
Smart Room Rp. 520.000Rp. 452.400Book Now!

Harga diatas dapat berubah - ubah sewaktu - waktu, mohon lihat daftar harga hotel Amaris Yogyakarta di hikarivoucher.com

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Perbanyak Event dan Promosi

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011 0 Comments
Penambahan hotel berbintang di Jogjakarta tidak membuat persaingan harga kamar jatuh. Pasalnya, pengelola hotel sepakat untuk menjaga harga dan tidak melakukan banting harga. Selain itu, Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) DIJ juga berusaha mengembangkan market pengguna jasa hotel yang datang ke Jogjakarta.
“Kalau hanya tamu yang datang itu-itu saja, pasti akan terjadi persaingan yang tidak sehat. Karenanya, kita semua harus melakukan promosi bersama,” kata Ketua PHRI DIJ Drs H KRT Istidjab N Danunagoro MM saat berkunjung ke Radar Jogja, kemarin.

Istidjab menegaskan, rata-rata okupansi hotel di tahun ini sekitar 70-an persen. Sedangkan hadirnya hotel baru, sekitar 15 hotel yang akan memulai operasinya di tahun ini, dipastikan mengurangi tingkat okupansi hotel lama yang sudah ada.  Namun, prediksi GM Grand Quality Hotel ini seandainya ada upaya melakukan promosi bersama mengenai pariwisata Jogjakarta, otomatis akan terjadi peningkatan jumlah kunjungan.

“Artinya, adanya hotel baru tidak membuat persaingan yang tidak sehat. Pola seperti itulah yang seharusnya kita lakukan dan tidak berebut ‘kue’ alias jumlah tamu yang ada,” ujarnya.
Diakui oleh Istidjab, masing-masing hotel masih bisa bertahan seandainya ada penurunan hingga 65 persen tingkat okupansinya. Seandainya di bawah jumlah itu, Istidjab tidak bisa memprediksikan. “Untuk itu, perlunya berpromosi. Hotel yang baru otomatis juga berpromosi dan ini menambah upaya promosi bareng tersebut,” katanya.

Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta
Di tempat terpisah, GM Hotel Santika Premier Jogjakarta Handono S Putra mengatakan, persaingan memang tidak bisa dihindari. Namun dirinya mempercayai persaingan tetap dibutuhkan sepanjang itu untuk  kemajuan bersama.

“Akan terjadi monopoli seandainya tidak ada persaingan. Hanya kita berusaha bareng-bareng agar persaingan itu menambah semangat untuk memajukan pariwisata Jogjakarta,” tegas Handono.
Pria yang juga menjabat Koordinator Pengembangan dan Penelitian I PHRI DIJ ini menegaskan, persaingan itu mau tidak mau membuat masing-masing pengelola hotel harus mencari segmentasi pengguna jasa hotel yang dikelolanya. Selain itu, strategi yang jitu akan mampu membedakan hotel yang dikelola dengan hotel lainnya. “Misalnya soal menu makanan, layanan lengkap hotel, serta ciri khas yang membedakan hotelnya dengan hotel lain,” ungkapnya.

Lainnya, korporasi hotel atau jaringan hotel mau tidak mau harus dihadapi. Hotel yang mempunyai jaringan lebih luas tentu saja mudah untuk menjual jasa layanan kamar dan lainnya. “Yang penting lagi, perbanyak kegiatan atau event di Jogjakarta, sehingga jumlah kunjungan wisatawan akan naik. Cara ini sedikit banyak membantu hotel karena mereka tentu saja butuh akomodasi untuk tinggal,” katanya.
Ketua Badan Promosi Pariwisata Kota Yogya (BP2KY) Deddy Pranowo Eryono menegaskan, pihaknya akan melakukan promosi secara terus-menerus. “Mau tidak mau, harus dilakukan promosi baik sendiri maupun bersama-sama,” kata Deddy.


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Malioboro Tetap Jadi Incaran Wisatawan - Santika Jogja

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Selasa, 03 Mei 2011 0 Comments
Santika Jogja
Cek Harga!   Hotel Santika Jogja
YOGYAKARTA, - Ketua Yayasan Widya Budaya Yogyakarta, Widi Utaminingsih mengatakan kawasan Jalan Malioboro sampai sekarang masih menjadi tujuan utama wisatawan yang datang ke Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

"Kawasan Malioboro selain sebagai pusat belanja, juga masih menyimpan bangunan cagar budaya diantaranya Kepatihan kompleks perkantoran Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), Museum Benteng Vredeburg, dan Istana Negara Gedung Agung," katanya di Yogyakarta, Jumat (29/4/2011).

Menurut Widi, kawasan Malioboro tetap menjadi tujuan utama kunjungan wisatawan khususnya dari luar daerah, dan akan selalu ramai saat libur akhir pekan maupun libur sekolah dan libur hari besar agama.

"Bagi para wisatawan, belum lengkap rasanya datang ke Yogyakarta jika belum menginjakkan kaki di Malioboro," kata Widi yang yayasannya bergerak di bidang studi pengembangan budaya dan pariwisata berbasis potensi lokal.

Widi menjelaskan, daya tarik Malioboro selain berada di tengah kota, sarana transportasi menuju ke kawasan itu mudah didapat dari segala penjuru kota. "Bagi wisatawan tidak perlu khawatir jika berkunjung ke Malioboro, karena di kawasan itu tersedia informasi Tourism Information Center (TIC), sehingga wisatawan bisa memperoleh informasi dengan jelas mengenai objek wisata di daerah ini," katanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Paguyuban Pedagang Malioboro, Suryadi mengatakan kawasan Malioboro masih menjadi tujuan utama wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Yogyakarta. "Malioboro memang sudah melegenda, tinggal para pedagang dan pelaku jasa pariwisata di kawasan ini selalu memberikan pelayanan yang baik, sopan dan bersih kepada wisatawan," katanya.

Untuk meningkatkan citra positif Malioboro, lanjut Suryadi, perlu kesadaran dari berbagai pihak terkait termasuk dalam menjaga kawasan ini. Suryadi menambahkan, tidak hanya kebersihan dan kenyamanan, tetapi juga keamanan, dan sadar wisata juga harus ditingkatkan. "Malioboro merupakan aset wisata yang harus dijaga dan pelihara sebaik-baiknya," katanya.
Sumber: travel.kompas.com
Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta berlokasi di jantung kota Yogyakarta and hanya beberapa menit dari Jalan Malioboro dan Kraton Yogyakarta, dari Santika Jogja menuju Adisucipto airport hanya lima belas menit.  Hotel Santika Jogja adalah hotel pilihan yang tepat untuk bisnis dan wisata di kota Yogyakarta.

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Hotel Santika Jogja Rooms Only 20 cents

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Jumat, 22 April 2011 0 Comments
Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta
YOGYA - Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the Hotel Santika Premiere held a promo all 20. Hotel Santika sell 20 rooms is only worth 20 cents (Indonesian currency on the Dutch colonial era).

"It's special for guests staying a period checked in on March 20, 2011 and check out the March 21, 2011," said Premier PR Santika Jogja, Fera Leonidya, Friday (18 / 3 /), in her hotel.

Fera continued, this special offer is open to the public outside the city, and can directly come to the Hotel Santika without prior reservation. Not only that, on the same day will be held carnival wayang orang, where all the hotel employees dressed in full wayang will parade with the route Jalan Sudirman - Mangkubumi - Malioboro and ends at the North Square of Yogyakarta Palace.

"The parade is also going to involve community pedicab
Hotel Santika and will be distributed free chicken porridge bowl for as many as 2020 people along the march is done,"add Fera.

She hopes that both these activities will get appreciation from the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI). Thus, the
Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja can get two MURI record at once, namely hotel category with the most employees wearing wayang orang, and the cheapest hotel room rates.

Source: Tribunews.com

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20 So Sacred Figures in Yogya Santika Premiere

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Minggu, 10 April 2011 0 Comments
Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja
[YOGYAKARTA] Welcoming the age or the 20 th Anniversary Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta held a promo-paced 20. Special gift was won once broke two achievements of the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) for two specific categories.
Two categories of record that the employees of hotels and tourist buses wearing puppet people with the greatest number of variations and up to 206 people.

The second category of the first hotel that is able to provide 4-star hotel room prices cheapest, which is 20 cents (Indonesian currency on the Dutch colonial era) per room.

Prices cheapest room was opened at 12:00 to 14:00 pm and guests are required to bring money ancient Dutch currency 20 cents in the 1950s to get a deluxe room for one night. Even as many as 20 hotel rooms are purchased in record-breaking run out of this MURI. To get guests must be willing to queue too long in the hotel lobby.

General Manager of Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja, Handono S. Putro said that the celebration of the 20th anniversary was the theme of Semar Wake rating. Semar is the god who descended from the sky, transformed into ordinary people who aim to build the country.

 "Hotel Santika we interpret as Semar the past 20 years it still can continue to protect, support, and become a sector leader in the field of hospitality services and tourism in Yogyakarta," he said after the procession from the hotel to the North Square on foot, followed by all Costumed employees of various puppet characters, in Yogyakarta, recently.

Selection of puppets as a theme, because the rich puppet characters in a good philosophy, which is expected to develop maturity and maturation of the management at Hotel Santika Premiere.

Handono explain enter this 20th year, it also set a fixed target run vision as a choice of four-star hotel in Yogyakarta and remains the market leader in the same class.

"Target the average occupancy per year, we also improve. If last year only 82% occupancy, we would expect in this new year can be increased up to 84% of the 148 rooms we have, "he said.

To achieve these targets it will perform a variety of improvements such as maximizing the service. For that in April will be carried out such physical renovation renovation restaurant, terrace, lobby, and add more places to eat. When the tissue around the Hotel Santika Indonesia reached 34 hotels and will grow 13 new Santika hotel built in various parts of Indonesia, until 2012 is expected to operate 62 hotels and immediately following the expansion into the Asian region.

Likewise, Public Relation Officer of Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta, Fera Leonindya asserted anniversary celebrations actually made a series of activities other than thanksgiving and prayer along with all employees, as well as planting 2020 trees in protected forest Plawangan previously damaged due to eruption of Merapi.

The climax, he continued, on March 20, yesterday held a full day series of events like the parade puppet hotel employees wear clothing from the hotel to the North Square, at the same time as many as 2020 to share a bowl of chicken porridge for free. [H-15]

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Hotel Santika specificity Jogja Highlight

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Senin, 14 Maret 2011 0 Comments
Hotel Santika Jogjakarta
Stepping on a business trip for 20 years, the Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja continue to clean up. As the hotel is located in the area of ​​Yogyakarta, Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja remain committed to delivering Yogyakarta nuance in various ways, ranging from facilities, to the services provided.

GM Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja Handono S. Putro said, the Hotel Santika want to have a role in nguri - Jogja uri traditional arts. Not just the strains of gamelan music, every afternoon (at 17:00 to 19:00 pm), guests who come will be treated to performances from the group campursari. "That is Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja efforts to strengthen the positioning in the midst of intense competition Santika hotel business," he said.

Management of Hotel Santika Premiere hope, when tourists or business people coming to Yogyakarta, their image directly fixed on the Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja. "Strength is what makes Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja hotel to be different with others, both group and competitors. The power to highlight the uniqueness of the area where the hotel stands a main characteristic, "he said.

Last year, hotel occupancy - average 80 percent. "The more beautiful hotels in the year 2011 we hope to continue to increase the percentage of hotel occupancy this year despite difficult business hotel separated from the influence of the global crisis," he explained.

Target Management Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja, will continue to clean up, including by presenting a different nuance. When finished renovating all rooms, lobby areas, meeting rooms and the addition of a new meeting room with the concept of "private meeting rooms", this year will renovate the Hotel Santika Pandan Sari Restaurant with a better concept, modern, dynamic and comfortable and safe.
"To add a diverse menu of food and beverages, this year the Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja also presented the Indian Coffee & Tea Corner who have lots of menu options, not forgetting the menu breakthrough - the best menu of chef reliable Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja," he concluded. (Iwa / srv)

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Yogyakarta Hotels, Hotel room rate rose to 60 percent during Lebaran

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010 0 Comments
Hotel Santika Yogyakarta
During the Lebaran holiday, ascertained in Yogyakarta hotel occupancy rate reached 100 percent. Hotel managers have been preparing to welcome guests and clean up. Yogyakarta Hotel room rate also rose from 20 to 60 percent from the previous tariff policy depending on the class and the hotel manager.

The increase in hotel room rates can not be avoided and are forced, because at the time of fasting, quiet hotel, while the cost of basic electricity tariffs have also risen,” said Deddy Eryono Pranowo, Secretary PHRI (Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association) Special Region of Yogyakarta, on Monday (30 / 8).
Although hotel room rate is raised but hotel bookings for the Lebaran continues to grow. Lebaran until H +5 on reservations has reached 70 percent of the capacity of rooms. Booking a hotel room in H-2 Lebaran already begun to reach 40 percent for jasmine-class hotel. While for five-star hotels reached 70 percent.

The number of hotels in Yogyakarta Special Region are increasing rapidly, so that the rooms provided for guests during Lebaran in Yogyakarta is also increasing. Currently the number of rooms in star hotels in Yogyakarta Special Region reach 2,000 rooms owned by the 32 star-class hotels (1 to 5). While jasmine hotel rooms provided about 3,500 rooms. There was also a guess house and other accommodation.

The hotel manager was tidying up and racing to pamper guests during Ramadhan month with an assortment of unique dishes and decor Lebaran ketupatnya hotel. There are also snacks and soft drinks are provided free of charge at the location of the hotel lobby. The level of bookings in one of the star class hotel Yogyakarta Hotel Santika Premier is full start of H-3 to H +5 Lebaran.

We want to entertain guests in a way typical of Lebaran, for the dinner buffet is also provided regular meals eaten during Lebaran,” said Fera Leonidya, Public Relations Santika Premier Hotel Yogyakarta.

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Travel - Hotel Amaris Diponegoro Opened

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010 0 Comments
Hotel Amaris Diponegoro Opened
Hotel Santika Indonesia re-open a new hotel. After establishing seven hotels with Brand Amaris Hotel, like the Amaris Hotel Panglima Polim (Jakarta), Amaris Banjar (South Kalimantan), Amaris Hotel Ambon, Amaris Hotel, the Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Amaris Hotel Panakukkang (Makassar), Amaris Hotel Palangkaraya, Amaris Cimanuk ( Bandung), now present Amaris Hotel Diponegoro (Yogyakarta).

Amaris Hotel Diponegoro, which is the 27th hotel of the Hotel Santika Indonesia and the hotel to-8 carrying the flag of brand Amaris opened Monday (09/08/2010). Located at Jalan Diponegoro 87 Yogyakarta, right next to historic monuments in the city of Yogyakarta and near one of the famous shopping center of Malioboro Street.

Amaris Hotel comes with the concept of providing Bed & Breakfast with comfortable beds from King Koil we used to call Amaris Dream and breakfast buffet with a variety of menu options.

Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Amara Primatama owned by and managed by the Group Hotel Santika Indonesia.

Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Yogyakarta
Diponegoro Amaris Hotel has 71 rooms consisting of 59 Smart Rooms and 12 Family Room. Equipped with LCD TVs in every room, in room safe, WIFI @ Xpress and Amaris as making the right choice for the business traveler who requires accommodations in the city of Yogyakarta.

Promotional price of Rp 360 000 nett already include breakfast for two people valid until September 30, 2010 (not valid on Lebaran period).

Opening Ceremony Amaris Hotel Diponegoro marked with the cutting cone shaped by the Deputy Mayor of Yogyakarta, Haryadi Suyuti who then handed over to Handoko Wignjowargo, President Director of PT Amara Primatama and as the owner of Amaris Hotel Diponegoro.

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Three Famous Guitarists concerts in Yogya

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Senin, 05 Juli 2010 0 Comments
Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta
Coinciding with the end of the fifth stage Explores Bike-Jakarta and Surabaya as well as a series of activities to enliven the 45th anniversary of Kompas, Monday (28/06/2010) symbolize Trisum concert was held in Serangan Umum Monument,Fort Vredeburg, Yogyakarta.

The concert presents three well-known Indonesian guitarist, namely the Dewa Budjana, Tohpati and Balawan. Collaborative style guitars and harmonies all three will be on display at the public face tonight.

Along with the concert also will host a culinary festival sponsored by the Nusantara Botol Sosro. In addition, the other sponsors will also fill the booth with their respective products.

Surabaya-Jakarta Cruising Team Bicycles , which is usually wearing a sports outfit, this night will be cycling with batik uniforms to where the concert, from where they were staying, the Hotel Santika

Translated from : http://entertainment.kompas.com/read/2010/06/28/12591025/Konser.Tiga.Gitaris.Ternama.di.Yogja-12

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Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010 0 Comments
Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta

Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja is bestowed with a rich variety of classic Javanese ornaments, this four-star hotel is considered one of the city’s most inspiring properties.  The premiere hotel is only 20 minutes away from the airport, 10 minutes from the main shopping centers and 5 minutes from the train station, 

Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja offers all the facilities and convenience that the modern traveler has come to expect. Business and leisure travelers alike will find this hotel a comfortable place to work, rest or play before moving onwards across Java and beyond

Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja offers 148 luxurious rooms and suites designed with convenience in mind. Guests can enjoy inviting views of the hotel swimming pool, the bright lights of the city or the magnificent Merapi volcano.

    * 148 Deluxe Rooms and Suites.
    * Non-smoking Rooms.
    * Restaurant, Bar and Lounge.
    * Ballroom and Meeting Rooms for up to 400 guests.
    * Swimming Pool, Toddler's pool.
    * Fitness and Sauna.
    * Safe Deposit Box, Mini Bar, Coffee/Tea Making Facilities and Hair Dryer in each room.
    * Santika Shopping Arcade.
    * Specially Appointed Room for the Handicapped.
    * Local and International Direct Dialing.
    * Cable TV, Featuring European, Asian, American, Australian and Local Programs.
    * Business Center.
    * Parking Available.
    * Currency Exchange.
    * 24-hour Room Service.
    * 24-hour Doctor On Call.
    * Major Credit Cards Accepted.
    * Same-day Valet and Laundry Service.

Meeting & Banquet      

Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta
Santika Hotel Premiere Jogja the Meeting and Banquet facilities have been designed to cater for cocktail and other parties as well as classroom, theatre and boardroom functions. Professional staff are always on hand to assist with arrangements. Meeting Yogyakarta Room accommodates up to 400 guests. The following audio-visual and presentation equipment can be arranged in any of the meeting rooms

Standard Equipment

Overhead Projector and Screen, Standard Sound System, Wireless Microphone, Standing Microphone, Table Microphone, Pocket Microphone, Head Table, Laser Pointer, Flip Chart, White Board and Marker, Meeting Kits (Notes & Pens), Mineral Water, Refreshment Candies, Mini Garden, Flower Arrangement, Lectern, Reception Desk, Portable Stage, Gong.

Additional Equipment

LCD Projector, Video (VHS) Player, VCD Player, TV Monitor, Inside Banner, Outside Banner, Karaoke Player and Cassette, Singer, Musician, MC.

Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja
Jl.Jend.Sudirman No. 19
Jogjakarta 55233 - INDONESIA

Voucher Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja

Hikarivoucher.com the website for reservation hotels in Indonesia with cheap hotel rates is provides the voucher hotel for Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja, please visit and compare the hotel rates offered and the voucher hotel able to find with the easy step like your reservation to other website hotel reservations, the different is the hikarivoucher.com doesn't have the room allotment,  the system will send your request directly to hotel and after your reservation is confirmed by the hotel, Invoice for the payment will automatically send to your email address. Voucher Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja will issued after the payment and ready to download through your account.

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