Kitchen Chef Restaurants & Cafes Kalosi Hotel Santika Makassar

Posted by Senin, 31 Januari 2011 0 Comments
Hotel Santika Makassar
Culinary world will not be separated to the figure of man on this one. Culinary world is a world Pramoko D Susilo, who currently serves as Kitchen Chef Restaurants & Cafes Kalosi Hotel Santika Makassar.
Born in Magelang, August 9, 1963, from childhood hobby in the culinary field. After graduating from hospitality schools, Susilo culinary education training.

 "My culinary training to deepen their knowledge in the culinary field," he said.
Starting in 1985, had occupied several hospitality companies to work with the same field. For that love of culinary can not doubt.

At the Hotel Santika Makassar, Susilo joined since 2007 in conjunction with the opening of Santika Makassar. Father of 3 children was added, in the culinary field should be based on hobbies.
"Cuisine is not based on the hobby certainly be less steady," he said.
Judul: Kitchen Chef Restaurants & Cafes Kalosi Hotel Santika Makassar
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