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Perbanyak Event dan Promosi

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011 0 Comments
Penambahan hotel berbintang di Jogjakarta tidak membuat persaingan harga kamar jatuh. Pasalnya, pengelola hotel sepakat untuk menjaga harga dan tidak melakukan banting harga. Selain itu, Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) DIJ juga berusaha mengembangkan market pengguna jasa hotel yang datang ke Jogjakarta.
“Kalau hanya tamu yang datang itu-itu saja, pasti akan terjadi persaingan yang tidak sehat. Karenanya, kita semua harus melakukan promosi bersama,” kata Ketua PHRI DIJ Drs H KRT Istidjab N Danunagoro MM saat berkunjung ke Radar Jogja, kemarin.

Istidjab menegaskan, rata-rata okupansi hotel di tahun ini sekitar 70-an persen. Sedangkan hadirnya hotel baru, sekitar 15 hotel yang akan memulai operasinya di tahun ini, dipastikan mengurangi tingkat okupansi hotel lama yang sudah ada.  Namun, prediksi GM Grand Quality Hotel ini seandainya ada upaya melakukan promosi bersama mengenai pariwisata Jogjakarta, otomatis akan terjadi peningkatan jumlah kunjungan.

“Artinya, adanya hotel baru tidak membuat persaingan yang tidak sehat. Pola seperti itulah yang seharusnya kita lakukan dan tidak berebut ‘kue’ alias jumlah tamu yang ada,” ujarnya.
Diakui oleh Istidjab, masing-masing hotel masih bisa bertahan seandainya ada penurunan hingga 65 persen tingkat okupansinya. Seandainya di bawah jumlah itu, Istidjab tidak bisa memprediksikan. “Untuk itu, perlunya berpromosi. Hotel yang baru otomatis juga berpromosi dan ini menambah upaya promosi bareng tersebut,” katanya.

Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta
Di tempat terpisah, GM Hotel Santika Premier Jogjakarta Handono S Putra mengatakan, persaingan memang tidak bisa dihindari. Namun dirinya mempercayai persaingan tetap dibutuhkan sepanjang itu untuk  kemajuan bersama.

“Akan terjadi monopoli seandainya tidak ada persaingan. Hanya kita berusaha bareng-bareng agar persaingan itu menambah semangat untuk memajukan pariwisata Jogjakarta,” tegas Handono.
Pria yang juga menjabat Koordinator Pengembangan dan Penelitian I PHRI DIJ ini menegaskan, persaingan itu mau tidak mau membuat masing-masing pengelola hotel harus mencari segmentasi pengguna jasa hotel yang dikelolanya. Selain itu, strategi yang jitu akan mampu membedakan hotel yang dikelola dengan hotel lainnya. “Misalnya soal menu makanan, layanan lengkap hotel, serta ciri khas yang membedakan hotelnya dengan hotel lain,” ungkapnya.

Lainnya, korporasi hotel atau jaringan hotel mau tidak mau harus dihadapi. Hotel yang mempunyai jaringan lebih luas tentu saja mudah untuk menjual jasa layanan kamar dan lainnya. “Yang penting lagi, perbanyak kegiatan atau event di Jogjakarta, sehingga jumlah kunjungan wisatawan akan naik. Cara ini sedikit banyak membantu hotel karena mereka tentu saja butuh akomodasi untuk tinggal,” katanya.
Ketua Badan Promosi Pariwisata Kota Yogya (BP2KY) Deddy Pranowo Eryono menegaskan, pihaknya akan melakukan promosi secara terus-menerus. “Mau tidak mau, harus dilakukan promosi baik sendiri maupun bersama-sama,” kata Deddy.


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Malioboro Tetap Jadi Incaran Wisatawan - Santika Jogja

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Selasa, 03 Mei 2011 0 Comments
Santika Jogja
Cek Harga!   Hotel Santika Jogja
YOGYAKARTA, - Ketua Yayasan Widya Budaya Yogyakarta, Widi Utaminingsih mengatakan kawasan Jalan Malioboro sampai sekarang masih menjadi tujuan utama wisatawan yang datang ke Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

"Kawasan Malioboro selain sebagai pusat belanja, juga masih menyimpan bangunan cagar budaya diantaranya Kepatihan kompleks perkantoran Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), Museum Benteng Vredeburg, dan Istana Negara Gedung Agung," katanya di Yogyakarta, Jumat (29/4/2011).

Menurut Widi, kawasan Malioboro tetap menjadi tujuan utama kunjungan wisatawan khususnya dari luar daerah, dan akan selalu ramai saat libur akhir pekan maupun libur sekolah dan libur hari besar agama.

"Bagi para wisatawan, belum lengkap rasanya datang ke Yogyakarta jika belum menginjakkan kaki di Malioboro," kata Widi yang yayasannya bergerak di bidang studi pengembangan budaya dan pariwisata berbasis potensi lokal.

Widi menjelaskan, daya tarik Malioboro selain berada di tengah kota, sarana transportasi menuju ke kawasan itu mudah didapat dari segala penjuru kota. "Bagi wisatawan tidak perlu khawatir jika berkunjung ke Malioboro, karena di kawasan itu tersedia informasi Tourism Information Center (TIC), sehingga wisatawan bisa memperoleh informasi dengan jelas mengenai objek wisata di daerah ini," katanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Paguyuban Pedagang Malioboro, Suryadi mengatakan kawasan Malioboro masih menjadi tujuan utama wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Yogyakarta. "Malioboro memang sudah melegenda, tinggal para pedagang dan pelaku jasa pariwisata di kawasan ini selalu memberikan pelayanan yang baik, sopan dan bersih kepada wisatawan," katanya.

Untuk meningkatkan citra positif Malioboro, lanjut Suryadi, perlu kesadaran dari berbagai pihak terkait termasuk dalam menjaga kawasan ini. Suryadi menambahkan, tidak hanya kebersihan dan kenyamanan, tetapi juga keamanan, dan sadar wisata juga harus ditingkatkan. "Malioboro merupakan aset wisata yang harus dijaga dan pelihara sebaik-baiknya," katanya.
Sumber: travel.kompas.com
Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta berlokasi di jantung kota Yogyakarta and hanya beberapa menit dari Jalan Malioboro dan Kraton Yogyakarta, dari Santika Jogja menuju Adisucipto airport hanya lima belas menit.  Hotel Santika Jogja adalah hotel pilihan yang tepat untuk bisnis dan wisata di kota Yogyakarta.

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Santika Jakarta Hotel - Jadikan Musik Jazz Sebagai Lifestyle

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Jumat, 29 April 2011 0 Comments
Santika Jakarta Hotel
Semakin banyaknya orang yang menyukai, bahkan mencintai musik jazz, patut dijadikan sebuah ”lifestyle” atau gaya hidup di tengah kota. Hal itu diungkapkan musisi senior jazz Idang Rasjidi dan General Manager Hotel Santika Premiere Jakarta, L Sudarsana, yang tampil dalam ”Jazz in Harmony”.

Pria kelahiran Pangkalpinang, Babel, 26 April 1958 itu, menilai jazz Indonesia akan terus berkembang dan semakin banyak yang mencintai. Kini generasi muda pun semakin cerdas dalam memilih musik, salah satunya adalah jazz.

Idang Rasjidi Syndicated tak hanya menampilkan performance dari Idang Rasjidi, tetapi juga unjuk gigi dengan pemain jazz muda berbakat lainnya. Suatu perpaduan yang membuat warna musik berwarna. Ia memang dikenal memiliki perhatian pada jazzer muda

Walaupun membawakan sejumlah lagu yang tak biasa didengar oleh para penikmat musik Indonesia, Idang & Friends tetap tampil memukau. Idang tampil bersama Edi Sharoni (drum), Aswin Hararudin (saksofon), Tiko Laksono (gitar), dan anaknya Shadu (bas). Untuk vokalisnya, ia menggandeng penyanyi generasi muda seperti Putu Sastrani Titaranti, Kemala Ayu, dan Sukma, yang membuat nuansa dan atmosfer berbeda.

“Ini adalah tahun keempat puluh tahun karier saya di musik Jazz. Awalnya saya bermain musik jazzz di Semarang, Yogya dan berlanjut ke Jakarta serta kota lainnya. Rasanya sudah lama tidak main ke Santika dan malam ini kita bersantai saja sambil menikmati alunan jazz,” ujarnya saat membuka pertunjukkannya di The Harmony, Hotel Santika Premiere Jakarta, Kamis malam (28/4). 

Pria berusia 53 tahun itu, memang dikenal karena kemampuannya memainkan piano. Ia dapat memainkan paino sebagai suara satu dan dengan vokalnya sendiri sebagsi suara dua menirukan suara dari berbagai alat musik seperti trumpet, trombone, dan perkusi.

Masuk pada lagu pertama dibuka dengan tembang era 70-an yang mendapat Grammy Award berjudul Bridges Bridges dengan sang penyanyi Kemala Ayu. Lalu lagu berikutnya dirahasiakan judulnya untuk dijadikan kuis menebak judul lagu. Idang ingin para tamu hotel menyimak kata-kata dan menebaknya. Lagu tersebut diciptakan pada tahun 1987.

Paduan Jazz dan Pop
Dilanjutkan dengan penyanyi muda lulusan IKJ dengan basic vokal klasik Putu Sastrani Titaranti membawakan lagu Track of The Night. Dengan suara tinggi soprannya, ia menyanyikan lagu yang bernada opera, membuat penonton terkesima dan bertepuk tangan.

Tetapi malam itu, Idang Rasjidi Syndicated tidak mau terfokus pada satu genre saja. Mereka pun membawakan lagu pop, agar suasana semakin cerah. Itu ada pada lagu Between to of As, paduan pop dan jazz. Tinggi rendahnya irama pun berganti-ganti. Idang yang malam itu sebagai nahkoda grup, mengiringi dari musik yang lembut dan pelan berubah secara perlahan menjadi cepat dan lembut kembali.

Lalu pertunjukkan diteruskan oleh penyanyi Sukma dengan lagu Some Where Over the Rainbow dan lainnya.

Senada dengan itu, GM Hotel Santika Premiere Jakarta, L Sudarsana, menuturkan pihaknya mengadakan musik jazz, karena ingin menciptakan keharmonisan jazz yang semakin digemari, bahkan oleh kalangan muda.

”Saat ini belum ada tempat meeting point di hotel yang bisa santai, sambil mendengarkan musik jazz selain di resto. Dengan adanya kesempatan ini, kami ingin menciptakan jazz paduan angkatan lama dan baru.  Kami mau menjadikan jazz sebagai lifestyle bagi siapa pun termasuk anak-anak muda dan di tempat umum. Dengan demikian harmonisasi pun terjaga dan lebih mencing,” ungkap dia.

Source: www.suarapembaruan.com

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Santika Increase Property doubles in 2012

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Minggu, 10 April 2011 0 Comments
[JAKARTA] Santika Hotel Group is ready to increase the hotel property doubled in 2012. Santika currently has 34 hotels spread all over Indonesia, both stars of two, three or four.

Corporate Director of Sales and Marketing Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts, Guido Andriano, said that in 2011 plans to open 48 hotels, while in 2012 will grow to 60 hotels.
"Even in the near future, soon opened the hotel Santika 35th. That's two-star hotel named Amaris Senen, Central Jakarta and February have been opened yesterday that the 34th Amaris Mangga Besar. Then immediately following the Amaris Bogor, Tangerang City, Karet, Tendean, Thamrin City, Casablanca, Bekasi and Embong Malang, "he said during a media gathering, in Jakarta, Thursday (7 / 4) night.

Amaris itself is a smart hotel has a concept of "Bed and Breakfast" by providing a comfortable bed, and quality which is called "Amaris Dream".

Latest news, Santika Indonesia soon awaken "sleeping tiger" which was in operation for 10 years, namely Ambarukmo Palace Hotel (APH) in Yogyakarta. The building is a heritage building built in 1965 and has been dormant for ten years.

Guido said that although the hotel is under management Santika Indonesia Hotels and Resorts, its name remained as The Ambarukmo Palace. Even the building structure would be maintained, for cultural values ​​typical palace, still exist and not just disappear.

"That's because, we always maintain the values ​​of the noble tradition of pride that became the pride of the nation, by maintaining the image of hospitality. The target will be opened in July 2011. Maybe this will be the Hotel Santika that could be considered towards the five-star or 4 star plus, "he said.

Meanwhile, for four and three star hotels, Santika will also open in the area of ​​Medan, Surabaya Jemursari, TMII, Tasikmalaya, Palu, Nusa Dua Bali and Bengkulu. No half-hearted, genuine products Indonesian national hotel famous for its motto "Hospitaly from the Heart", also will open a hotel in Singapore.

Also Santika also developing their brands are unique boutique villa with a concept known as "The Royal Collection." It consists of The Samaya and The Kayana and locally famous for an exotic touch. [H-15]


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Hotel Santika Bangka Lunar New Year Buffet Dinner

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Senin, 31 Januari 2011 0 Comments
Hotel Santika Bangka
Just like previous years, the Hotel Santika Bangka always prepared to welcome the Lunar New Year moment. In this year also, the Hotel Santika Bangka that addresses at Jl. Soekarno Hatta Km.5 Pangkalanbaru No.17, Central Bangka presents a menu with a dish culinary Lunar Chinese New Year Buffet Dinner. 

Lunar New Year Buffet Dinner is open to anyone who wants to enjoy a dish of oriental-style Hotel Santika Bangka. With Rp.125 thousand, nett / person you can enjoy this dish as much oriental menu.

For those of you who are interested in serving oriental menu can get it for three days starting on 35 February in Wanka Coffee Shop mylai at 19:00 until around 22:00 pm.

"Open to anyone who wants to celebrate Chinese New Year at Hotel Santika Bangka to enjoy oriental menu we serve," said F & B Manager Hotel Santika Bangka, Bangka Pos Aly Syukron Group met on Thursday (27 / 1).

For three days, the menu presented various. However, in one day many menus on offer which consists of appetizer salad, stall, soup, main course, dessert and snacks.

As on the first day, exactly on the 3rd February next, for there salad appetizer servings capcay cold, spring roll, mixed green salad. As for the stall is baso know dumplings, Hainan chicken rice by Hoy & sour soup.

"As for the main course is served yeoung chow fried rice, kwetiaw seafood, fried fish Asman, cah chicken mushrooms, beef, bamboo shoots, kailan oyster sauce," he said.

Not only that, a wide selection of traditional snacks menu was prepared as otakotak, lemper fuel, cup cakes, breads and cakes bean yellow pillow. For the beverage menu, the Hotel Santika Bangka will bring fresh dragon fruit juice.

"As it happens all the menus in.

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Coming to Lunar Hotel Santika Bangka Still Normal

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com 0 Comments
At the Hotel Santika Bangka, until now there has been no significant reservations hotel rooms, are normal as usual.

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Santika explore Singapore Market

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Rabu, 21 Juli 2010 0 Comments
Santika explore Singapore Market
As reported by the Kontan Online in the edition with the title "Santika Incar Pasar Singapore" from Indonesia in the hospitality business group under the banner of PT Grahawita Santika middle market targeting strategy that Singapore is a very precise because Singapore is a destination that many tourists interested by Indonesia for a vacation and business .

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Santika Hotel - Vacation But Still Working

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com 0 Comments
Holiday season will arrive, and of course you want a happy family with a vacation with them. But, what if the job does not allow to be abandoned? If a situation like this, you are faced between the choice of the weight, choose a holiday with your family or keep working.

You are on vacation using Santika hotel chain, the above problems can be solved easily, because every Santika hotel and business center equipped with internet access facilities 
Hotel Santika understand the need for busy people like you and want to remain on vacation with his family, the business center is available to support your work equipment such as computers, email, faxcimile, Telphone. with internet access you can still communicate with co - workers and still be able to vacation with family. 
Currently Santika hotel chain has been found in big cities in Indonesia and in the near future Santika hotel chain will expand to 60 cities in Indonesia. So for business or leisure select Santika hotel

Some tips for working with a vacation
  1. Meet your employer to discuss the possibility of working with on-line manner. Give a precise explanation, not an explanation that only about your personal interests only.
  2. Prepare all the gadgets that support you to work on-line, such as laptops, modems, cell phones, and others.
  3. Make sure all the numbers and e-mail a friend's office you already know, so no hassle to find when you're not in the office and require the latest information on employment.
  4. Hold a small meeting with friends one division and your boss to discuss the way you work by using Internet facilities. It was meant to be your friends not to get information from other parties so that no one will understand, and social envy.
  5. Check the agenda again, is there a schedule of meetings to attend during your vacation. If so, should contact the back to ask for permission not to attend the rescheduled meeting or after the holidays.
  6. Prepare the important files that must be there when you work, not to inconvenience a friend's office to send a file, because the location of the file that you can use only you understand.
  7. After you finish the preparation at the office, you should immediately switch to prepare for the holidays.
  8. Collect information on places along with the vacation amenities, try looking for a vacation place that has Wi-Fi or estimate the range of the signal from the modem that you use, so you stay comfortable while working unhindered network.  (tips source qouted from: cbn)

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Central Kalimantan Governor Welcomes Enthusiastic Hotel Amaris

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Senin, 12 Juli 2010 0 Comments
Amaris Hotel Palangkaraya
Central Kalimantan Governor Agustin Teras Narang enthusiastically welcomed the operation of Hotel Amaris Palangkaraya will be in soft launch
According to him, this as a form of charity investors to participate in building a Kalteng by providing services in the hospitality sector. He claimed to be proud of the commitment Amaris parties to participate in development in Central Kalimantan.

He hopes the hotel will be developed as part of economic growth in Central Kalimantan, which continues to increase.

Amaris Hotel Palangkaraya which is a group of Santika Indonesia's Kompas Gramedia is located at Jalan S Parman No. 60A Letjend Palangkaraya.

Hotel Amaris Palangkaraya Skillfully with energy-saving concept but did not leave the impression of luxury. Hotel with 63 rooms is ideal for businessmen or those who want to relax.

Its location is not far from the flood plain and Bridges Kahayan Kahajan will make guests feel comfortable hotel with unique scenery, natural and beautiful.

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Santika Hotel Aggressive to Add the Hotel Network

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Kamis, 08 Juli 2010 0 Comments
PT Grahawita Santika hotel network was added. Santika hotel aimed at the number could reach 60 units by the end of 2012.

If at the end of 2009, Santika already operates 17 hotels, that number has now grown to 22 hotels. "Until the end of this year there will be 31 hotels, and hotels will increase by 15 each year in 2011 and 2012," said marketing director Donny Hotel Santika Indonesia Tisnantoro, Tuesday (25 / 5).

Santika yourself with some brand like Amaris, will focus on the development of two-star hotels, three and four. Despite playing nearly the same segment with Accor, Donny admitted his side was not worried about competition.

"The market is still pretty good. Until now, our average occupancy just high enough, be in the range of 74%," added Donny.

Senior Associate Director of Knight Frank property research institute Indonesia Fakky Ismail Hidayat believes despite competing in the same market segment, the hotel market will not oversupply the hotel as long as each can shoot a competitive location.

"If the same location, competition could be too stringent, but the hotel manager before adding the network would have to study which areas that are still worthy of intake," said Fakky.

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Santika Hotel Target Has 60 Hotels in 2012

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com 0 Comments
Apparently the hospitality business is continuing to attract,  although often disturbed by the economic crisis. The proof, the Hotel Santika continue to expand. If until the end of 2009 yesterday was a new hotel chain has 17 hotels, three years into the future, targeting a 60 Santika hotel. Overall two-and three-star hotels.
"The target we achieved in 2012 peg." said Director of Marketing Hotel Santika Indonesia Donny Tisnantoro weekend. Meanwhile, in the year 2010, the hotel under a flag of PT Grahawita Santika is targeting to build four hotels. Thus, the end of the year 2010, the Santika will have 21 hotels in Indonesia. Last December, has opened two hotels Santika. The location of each in Bangka Banjar.

Besides using his own funds, to pursue the target, Santika will hold a number of investors for funding. "We have been there at least 52 investors who are interested to join," Donny said without naming them. According to Donny's calculations, the construction of a hotel which has 50 rooms require a minimum of Rp  12.5 billion fund.

Until now, the Hotel Santika has been operating in 13 major cities in Indonesia with an average occupancy rate of 70%. "Besides the big cities in Java, we are already in Bali, Pontianak, Makassar and Manado," added Vivi Promotion Manager Corporate Herlambang Indonesia Santika hotel.

Now, Santika is also preparing to expand into Singapore. The plan is a hotel owned by Santika would stand in the neighboring country in the year 2011.

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Hotel Amaris Makassar Officially Opened

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Selasa, 06 Juli 2010 0 Comments
Santika Group presented Amaris Hotel  in Panakkukang, Makassar. the Jasmine hotel provides 94 rooms which was established starting Monday (5 / 7) today.

The presence of this hotel as evidence that the Group Amaris Hotel Santika successfully established in other regions of Indonesia, like Jakarta Hotel Amaris Panglima Polim, Amaris South Kalimantn Banjar, Amaris Hotel, Ambon, and Amaris Hotel Soekarno Hatta Airport.

Manager of Hotel Amaris Makassar, Antony, said Amaris Panakkukang Hotel Makassar is the 24th hotel of Santika Group and hotels to-5 carrying the flag of Amaris Hotel.
"The hotel is located at No 3 Panakkukang Bougenville Makassar, right in Prime Time Panakkukang area, close to Panakkukang Trade Center, business center, shopping, and entertainment," said Antony.
According to Antony, Hotel Amaris is a smart hotel with a Bed & Breakfast concept by providing a bed of King Koil, usually called Santika Dream, as well as a breakfast buffet with a variety of menu options.

Strategic location, advanced Antonius, make this hotel the ideal choice for a dynamic young executive. Hotel Amaris Panakkukang owned by Goldwin Grahawita Makassr and managed by PT Grahawita Santika.

The hotel is equipped with LCD TVs in every room, in room safe, @ Xpress, and Wifi. These facilities make the hotel perfect for business travel Amaris who need accommodation in Panakkukang. Promotional price of Rp 360 thousand nett already include breakfast for two, and is valid until July 31 next. (Mel)

Following the Hotel Aston

Business hotels in Makassar promising. Potential as a city of Makassar City goal to increase hotel occupancy or occupancy. This potential Megahputra ogled PT Sejahtera Group.
Four-wheeled vehicle dealership brand Suzuki will build the Aston Hotel Makassar in Megah Jl Sultan Hasanuddin No. 10 Makassar, Makassar police station west front.

Pole erection prime hotel development will be held Monday (5 / 7) morning. Mayor of Makassar, Ilham Arief Sirajuddin, plans to inaugurate the launching of this hotel. If the hotel is there, Jl Hasanuddin will compete with Panakkukang as, local hospitality. Jl Hasanuddin has been present in the Hotel Santika, Hotel Singgasana, Hotel Wisata, Hotel Delta, Celebes Hotel

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Press conference Sprite D'Plong 2010 in Hotel Santika Cirebon

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Senin, 05 Juli 2010 0 Comments
Hotel Santika Cirebon
Since a few years ago, a top Indonesian band, Gigi always take advantage of Ramadan to the moment of issuing religious albums. Habits that turned out to apply also to Ramadan this year is only two months away. "Insya Allah this Ramadan religion there, but probably not the album. We prefer to compile repages year yesterday," said vocalist Armand Maulana during a press conference final concert program Sprite D'Plong 2010 at the Hotel Santika Cirebon, Saturday (3 / 7) evening.Ramadan is always given special blessings for bands that fronted Armand Maulana, Dewa Budjana, Thomas Ramdan, and Gusti Hendy this. Religious songs that they always sell out in the country music industry market. No wonder if even this year, they plan to release a compilation of religious songs.Though already confirmed will issue a compilation of religion, Armand Maulana and his friends are reluctant to disclose more about their compilation will be out for next Ramadan. Both the song and the time chosen for the launch is still a secret.

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Bicycles Cruising Team stay at Santika Bandung

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Jumat, 02 Juli 2010 0 Comments
Santika Bandung
The Bicycles Surabaya-Jakarta Cruising Team  "Merajut Nusantara", Friday (02/07/2010) afternoon, completing stage nine and arrived at Bandung, West Java, after traveling around 93 kilometers from the city of Cirebon.

Entering the city of Bandung, the cyclists were confronted by a traffic jam of vehicles, especially when crossing roads Dr Djunjunan (Terusan Pasteur) to a resting place at Hotel Santika.

Earlier, four members of the team Explores Bike Surabaya-Jakarta that fell this morning as he entered the Majalengka, are now jointly arrived in Bandung.

Jon Minofri who were evacuated to the ambulance because his arm injury during the crash also started to recover, although doctors have not advise it for cycling. His arms still wrapped elastic bandages and will continue to be observed until the night by doctors from the International Hospital Bintaro.

Tonight, the team scheduled to attend a bike cruise "Ngariung Bareng Goweser" with Iwan Abah Iwan Abdulrahman or, Acil, and Dedy M. In addition, the police fill socialization activities with the traffic laws and drug counseling

Translated from : http://regional.kompas.com/read/2010/07/02/18171937/Tim.Jelajah.Sepeda.Tiba.di.Bandung

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Cyclists threw the money into Sintren in Santika Hotel Cirebon

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com 0 Comments
The cyclists who joined the team in Surabaya-Jakarta Browse Bike Sintren served, namely the magical smells of traditional art belongs to the coastal communities in the Cirebon evening meeting at the Ballroom of Hotel Santika Cirebon, West Java, on Thursday (07/01/2010) tonight.

Some team members cruise throw money into the dancers accompanied by traditional songs and the smell of incense smoke. When throw the money, the dancer suddenly unconscious. Aware of new and returning dancers to dance after the two men dealt with the fragrance of incense smoke.

Hotel Santika Cirebon
Hotel Santika Cirebon
Treat it refreshing cruise team after more than a week cycling at the same time they introduced the art tradition in the areas they visited.

Earlier, at the beginning of the show displayed art mask dance tradition that is hosted Kelana six dancers from Sanggar Mask Indramayu Wangi.

Appearance of two series of arts events enliven the tradition Browse Bike Surabaya-Jakarta who have completed the eighth stage in the city of Cirebon, after the afternoon journey from Pekalongan, Central Java as far as 137 kilometers. In the previous stage in a number of cities to be visited, also displayed various traditional arts and entertainment to the public.

Cycling movement

Subardi Cirebon mayor in his speech at the event, said he was happy represents the people of Cirebon becomes one of the cities included in the stage of the team and stopover in Surabaya-Jakarta Browse Bicycles.

"Delighted once Cirebon to host, this is very unusual for us, happy birthday for Kompas and Police," he said.

In accordance with one of the cruise mission, namely to revive cycling in community activities, Subardi said Cirebon have started a movement to support the mission, among them set free day in motor vehicles and cycling activities together.

"In addition to car free day once a month, we began to try to begin regular cycling activities of the government, I warmly welcome it," he said

In a meeting conducted in the form of educational assistance from reading books and Bakrieland Kompas Humanitarian Fund to 10 community libraries in Cirebon regency. Help symbolically handed Bureau Chief Compass West Java, Dedi H Muhtadi as well as representatives from the Residence.

Ten public libraries that receive assistance from the Junior Nunuk Cengal Majalengka, Cirebon LPK Gajah Mada University, Library, Q-Lan Mountain Teak, Buntet Library School, Reading Pane Park World of Brass, Astanajapura Village Library, Library of Masjid At Taqwa, Kubang Village Library Coral, Library SDN Karang Asem 2, as well as the Village Library Buntet

Translated from : http://regional.kompas.com/read/2010/07/01/2241378/Pesepeda.Menyawer.Sintren.Cirebon

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July, New Waiting Room Sepinggan Airport Operated

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Kamis, 01 Juli 2010 0 Comments
Hotel Santika Balikpapan
New waiting room for the domestic departures terminal Sepinggan Balikpapan Airport began operation in July 2010. Waiting room that connects the terminal with Hotel Santika Balikpapan departure was built to reduce the level of passenger density.
"Eventually all passengers were transferred to the new waiting room. It's more comfortable," says Public Relations of PT Angkasa Pura I, Abdullah Husin, when met in his office, Tuesday (15 / 6).

The waiting room, Husin said, equipped with facilities such as X-ray, check-in counters, toilets, chairs, smoking rooms, and television. (*)

translated from : http://www.tribunkaltim.co.id/read/artikel/59716

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Occupancy Level Three and Four Star Hotels increased

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com 0 Comments
The occupancy rate on three-and four-star hotels in Indonesia from January to May and then on top of 70%. Estimate the number of hotel occupancy rates will continue to rise until the end of the year.
Director of Corporate Marketing Group Hotel Santika Indonesia, Donny Tisnantoro said, occupancy rates in three-and four-star hotels at Hotel Santika in May and more than 70%. "For three star itself has reached 76%. Meanwhile, a four star hotel to hotel occupancy rate reached 79%," he said.

Similar conditions were also felt the Harris Hotel. Troy J. Palenteng, Event Organizer & PR Tauzia Hotel Management, said the occupancy rate of hotel rooms at the Hotel Harris is also above 70%. In fact, Troy estimates, starting in mid-June through August occupancy rate in hotels located in tourist areas like Bali would reach 100%.

Troy said it was preparing a variety of entertainment packages to attract more tourists who will vacation. At Hotel Harris himself, said Troy, approximately 80% of hotel guests are domestic tourists.

Meanwhile, President Commissioner of PT Riyanto Sofyan Sofyan Hotels, owners of the networks Hotel Sofyan estimate, the hotel occupancy rate until the end of this year will reach 80%. RJ said, occupancy rates this year better than last year. He cited, the rate of occupancy at the Hotel Sofyan Betawi in January to April of last year amounted to 52%. Meanwhile, occupancy rates in the same period this year has reached 73%.

This year, RJ targeting revenue of Rp 18 billion. Revenue target this year was lower when compared with total revenues last year amounted to USD 24 billion. That's because, at the end of January and one of the Hotel Sofyan Cikini assets have been sold with a transaction value of Rp 55 billion.

Translated from : http://www.kontan.co.id/index.php/bisnis/news/38679/Tingkat-Okupansi-Hotel-Bintang-Tiga-dan-Empat-Melesat

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Hotel Santika Yogyakarta Planted Trees at World Environment Day

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com 0 Comments

Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta

Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta held a corporate social responsibility program welcomes World Environment Day, Saturday (06/05/2010).
Dozens of residents held a range of hotels with communal work, planting 22 mahogany trees and rambutan, and the installation of flood detection devices at the edge of Kali Code, RT Gondolayu Lor 57, Yogyakarta.

General Manager of Hotel Santika Handono S Putro said the village was chosen as the location because it is close to the hotel and its environment must be considered. With tree planting, erosion potential is expected to be reduced and increased shade.

Translated from: http://regional.kompas.com/read/2010/06/05/13124689/Hotel.Santika.Yogya.Tanam.Pohon.-4

Do you need accommodation hotels in Yogyakarta, please check : http://www.indonesiatravelonline.com/indonesia-hotel-rates/yogyakarta-hotel-rates/index.php

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Surabaya-Jakarta Bicycles cruise Team Start from Santika Yogyakarta

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com Rabu, 30 Juni 2010 0 Comments
Hotel Santika Premiere Yogyakarta
Cruising Team Bicycles Surabaya-Jakarta successfully completed the sixth stage of the city of Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta, towards the City of Semarang, Central Java, on Monday (6/28/2010), smoothly without a hitch. Along the 118 kilometer route was taken in time more than eight hours.

Assumed start at 07:00 from Hotel Santika Yogyakarta, the team released by Kapoltabes Yogyakarta AKBP Atang Heradi. Some communities go take a bicycle, among other Djogjakarta onthel Societies, Jogja Folding Bike, and cyclists from the police.

Atang Heradi said bicycle cruise activities within the framework of Kompas 45th Anniversary with the theme of "Knitting Nusantara" This ought to be proud of being able to grow a passion for people to cycling. The police team also participated in a bike cruise to celebrate the birthday of the 64th Bayangkara.

Some communities bring the bike to the border with Central Java. Entering the town of Magelang, Central Java, Bicycles Browse team seeked a relatively flat with no significant climbs. After his release from Magelang, entering Secang area, the street climbs began to be felt for the team cruising bikes.

Conditions that forced the cyclists to start managing your stamina and strategy while taking the road up and down. Given their experience when taking the toughest field of Psychology-Pacitan route, this route can be traversed with relative ease.

This is evident from the persistence of 30 cyclists to continue paddling in a group without interruption. Togetherness in the group indicated that the team members to help encourage other cyclists from behind which is not too strong when the slope.

Previously, a cyclists legs have cramps, but after treatment and rest for a moment, he could still continue to pedal a bicycle up to Semarang.

According Luqi Bawafi (42), one of the cyclists, the sixth stage with a characteristic way up and down (rolling) may give cyclists a chance to restore power even though briefly.

"Here we have to beat yourself, be strong mentally when completing a hard climb," said Luqi.

At Kilometer 66.4, bicycle teams more or less one hour break in the District of Jambu, Semarang regency, before proceeding to the city of Semarang.

In Ungaran, the team cruising bikes get special greeting from the ranks Kodam IV / Diponegoro, represented Aster Kasdam IV / Diponegoro, Colonel Armed Margo Sapto Wibowo and a number of officers and staff. A warm welcome from a number of Territorial Army officer IV / Diponegoro was like to inject a new spirit for the team cruising bikes. Firm handshake TNI troops also marked the release of the group cruising team bikes to the city of Semarang.

At about 15:00 team enters Kompas cruising bike and finish in Semarang Police Academy Complex.

On Wednesday, the team will be cruising towards Pekalongan bike with a mileage of about 100 kilometers. Disposal team bikes will be cruising at the Police Academy Midshipman Stadium

Translated from: http://nasional.kompas.com/read/2010/06/28/1312225/Kompas.Beri.Penghargaan.5.Cendekiawan

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'Kompas' Give 5 Scholar Award in Santika Hotel Jakarta

Posted by Hikarivoucher.com 0 Comments
Santika Premiere Jakarta
Five people received awards scholar Kompas "Intellectuals Dedication", Monday (06/28/2010). The awarding coincided with the Anniversary 45th Kompas today.

Five people were scholars who receive these awards are Raden Panji Soejono (archaeologist), MP Sediono Tjondronegoro (sociologist), Melly G Tan (sociologist), Bambang Hidayat (scientists Astronomy), and Adnan quoted (senior advocate).

The award is given directly by the General Superior Kompas, Oetama, at Hotel Santika, Jakarta. Jakob said, the five scholars selected for their dedication, devotion, and consistency in their respective fields. According to him, the Indonesian nation needed a single figure of a character in word and deed.

"Until we come to the conclusion that the figure of the character and the most important character. These are the motives, Kompas humbly give an award whose personality we need, and is required by this nation. They are a figure that has consistency, one word and deed," he said.

Jakob continued, the figure is deemed worthy of the award recipients serve as an example and role model.

"In order to inspire more young children, young intellectuals and society. Democracy we're still just a formality, the House and the party just a formality. Spirit, soul, spirit, and community service is not yet meaningful. This concern was shared concern," said Jakob .

He hoped, with rewards given can be a morale booster to scholars.

"We try to give a spirit that could not, be done by Mom and Dad that we picked up. Not only because of expertise in one field of science, but also expertise that accompanied conscience, commitment to become the figure of a scholar. That consideration when we find out who deserves award, "he said.

One award recipient, Bambang Hidayat, Kompas appreciate the attention given to scholars through the award. Bambang rate, Kompas always provide a space for academics to pour out of his thoughts.

"I would argue that university life can not be separated from the growth of society. I am thankful for the Kompas daily that provide a space for it. I was already addicted to Kompas. If you have not read, like not eat breakfast," she said.

Bambang also hope, Kompas continues to provide a space for scholarly articles, especially astronomy.

Translated from: http://nasional.kompas.com/read/2010/06/28/1312225/Kompas.Beri.Penghargaan.5.Cendekiawan

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